It might be love bombing when you get in, but after a while for the rest of your life as a jw, it's more like a funeral, now imagen going to many funerals on a monthly basis, as if this would not give rise to depression.
Also, WB$T$ inculcates cognitive distortions which leads to depression.
When I stopped attending meetings mum was very down, because of the negativity delusions WB&T$ produce in their literature, and that Armageddon is just around the corner and the world is all doom and gloom, while the prejudice that she (and all jw's) have about worldly people turned out to be her son.
So mum went to an elder in which he said the usual, that she did her job as a mother and not to worry, let Jehovah worry about this. The elders say nothing helpful, that mum is helpless, which created more anxiety and depression. She started taking depressants for a short time because she did not like the reaction she got from them. I bought mum a book on CBT and asked her to see a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist, but she did not read it and did not see the psychologist.
Now that she has a long absence from the hall, surprise surprise she feels a lot better.
I now a ton of jw's who suffer from this problem, I think I can narrow it down to:
Requirements to not sin are to high so you constantly feel guilty and since there is no control this guilt turns to anxiety.
"Put all your worries with Jehovah" so that thing inside your skull for decision making won't be necessary, the WB&T$ will do it for you, meaning that you loose confidence with yourself.
If's and should’s, I should be like this and not like that, instead of being yourself and expecting others to not be themselves
"The world is a terrible place" this in CBT is known as filtering were anything positive is filtered out thus the belief in the irrational, so imagen people with this mentality, they will be very negative people and may end up suicidal.
"You are either with us or against us" this is all or nothing thinking, I am either a good or a bad guy, being a normal human being isn't good enough, or I am either against or for jw's, I apparently according to jw's I cannot be undecided or simply that I just came to the conclusion that this religion isn't for me. Look at the world in colour instead of black and white and feel that anxiety just fall off of you.
Prejudice towards others, we all know what jw's really think about apostates, homosexuals, gamblers etc.